Monday, July 12, 2010

More Pictures Of Strawberry Picking At Rose Family Farm

Here are more photos of me picking strawberries at Rose Family Farm.

Yes, these are raspberries. I picked raspberries too!

Yum! French fries. Home made ones, too!


Yesterday I saw a chipmunk in my backyard. Luckily, my camera was near. I took some photos of it.

I noticed that the chipmunk was eating some seeds from my bird feeder that spilled over.

I got very close to the little chipmunk. It was really cool! But when I tried to get closer, he tried to run away!!!!!!!!

The chipmunk was really cute. He had lots of stripes. He was like a striped squirrel!

If this chipmunk was my pet, I'd name him Thistle!

~Yellow Pine Chipmunk Facts~

This chipmunk is a yellow pine chipmunk. It's scientific name is Neotamias amoenus.

They like to eat lots of fruits and seeds.

Yellow pine chipmunks stuff food in their cheeks in the fall to take to their burrows.

They are common in meadows, rocky places and yellow pine and juniper forests.

The boy chipmunks are slightly smaller then the girl ones.